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Asylum Seeker and Refugee Survivors

We offer services to support asylum seekers and refugees who have experienced sexual violence, rape or sexual torture in any country.

We offer specialist counselling support, and work with interpreters so you can be supported in your own language.

A support worker can also assist you with practical issues, including destitution, housing, childcare and guidance on legal support available to you.

Since the trauma of sexual violence, rape, and sexual torture can be isolating, especially when you’re in a new country, we run a group called ‘Connections’ to help you settle and feel part of a community.  They are a great way to get to know the area, meet new people, make new friends, and try out different fun activities, all in a safe environment.  The Connections Social Group meets every month.

Please get in touch if you would like to receive counselling, specialist support, or to join the Connections group.

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‘An opportunity to talk to others and not be judged.’

— client comment