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All Women

A survivor has sent some poems to share with here with other survivors. Watch this space for more poems.

I had my first crush when I was 11.

Soft, excited, feelings – a high five, a hello made my day.

I was 12 when I was first asked out by a boy.

I was 13 when the boy sitting next to me in Geography class asked if a guy had popped my cherry yet.

I was 14 when I was first catcalled and honked at on a run.

I was 18 when I was told I was expected to dress more conservatively.

And at 19 I was sexually abused and I thought my life was over.

The pain that night – 29 November 2019 – was so bad I thought I was going to die.

To me it came out of nowhere and it was a completely random event.

So when at 20 for voicing my opinion that went against the leader of our group I was called aggressive.

I thought no.

I am strong. I am feisty. And you don’t like that I have a voice, which goes against yours.

But too bad, I am here

and here

to stay.

Posted 2 September 2021

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