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New Online Support

We are delighted to launch a new online support package for survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Birmingham and Solihull.

‘A Taste of Recovery’ is a new way for survivors waiting for RSVP counselling to access practical support from RSVP; identifying the effects of sexual trauma and developing coping strategies for improved emotional wellbeing. The resource is created by Emily Jacob at ReConnected Life, it’s delivered in bite-size chunks, with the compassion and understanding of someone who has been there too.

We know that accessing support can feel daunting, and we know that time spent waiting for face-to-face counselling can be difficult. ‘A Taste of Recovery’ builds on what we know about the effects of trauma and offers a taster of our support services, that you can access immediately, from your own home.

This new support package has been made possible with support from the People’s Postcode Trust and the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, and is also a development of the 2016/17 West Midlands PCC funded Cope & Recover project we previously offered.

People’s postcode lottery funded

West Midlands PCC


Posted 20 December 2017

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