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The Rewind Technique for Post-Traumatic Stress

RSVP are offering training for all professionals working in rape and sexual abuse support services on Saturday 18th July, 9.30am-4.30pm in Birmingham city centre.

The Rewind Technique has become internationally recognised as an effective treatment for PTS/PTSD. The treatment is different to other imaginal exposure therapies as details of trauma don’t need to be disclosed to the therapist, reducing the risk of clients being re-traumatised.

This event is suitable for practitioners working with clients that have been traumatised by surviving or witnessing trauma, such as sexual abuse, and are consequently suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress. The course is suitable for statutory, voluntary and private organisations, as well as individual counsellors/therapists.

By the end of the course participants will have:

  • Competence in applying the Rewind Technique,
  • A clear understanding of how and why the Rewind Technique works,
  • A solid grounding in recognising and treating PTSD.

The full-day course costs £100 for voluntary organisations and individuals + booking fee/ £120 for statutory organisations + booking fee. Price includes lunch and refreshments.

Places can be booked at

Venue: 7th Floor, Grosvenor House, Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5RS. 5 minute walk from New Street station.

The session will be run by Dr David Muss. Prior to his involvement in developing the Rewind Technique Dr Muss was a Paediatric Surgeon and a family doctor. Since 1988 Dr Muss has worked as the Director of the PTSD UNIT at the BMI Hospital, Birmingham.

Posted 23 June 2015

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