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Trauma-related Complex Dissociation – Origins & Consequences

Spaces are now available for a one day training event delivered by First Person Plural, the dissociative identity disorders association.The event will take place in Birmingham city centre on Thursday 26th May.

This event on trauma related dissociation is suitable for any professional working with vulnerable people. Complex dissociation will affect individuals’ needs, their relationship with supporters and how they respond to any supportive or treatment intervention. Thus, an access level of understanding will be beneficial to anyone working in primary health care (including GPs), mental health, education, supported living, domestic abuse, drug/alcohol services, rape & sexual violence / childhood abuse services, criminal justice or social and pastoral care in the statutory, voluntary or private sector.

Counsellors, psychotherapists and similar, including those who already have some training and experience of working with dissociative clients, have found this training day a useful addition to their learning. Well supported stable survivors who have a complex dissociative disorder, and their family and friends may find the course a useful psycho-educational resource.

Learning Objectives:

  • To raise awareness of dissociation and its role in surviving abuse or trauma.
  • To introduce the dissociation continuum and the spectrum of dissociative disorders, including dissociative identity disorder (DID)
  • To understand the reality of living with dissociative identity disorder
  • To explore practical ways of supporting people who experience complex dissociation

Tickets: £75 for voluntary orgnanisations and individuals, £90 for statutory/private organisations. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.  Please note that we need 7 working days notice before the event for cancellation refunds.

For more information, and to book a place go to


Posted 17 March 2016

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