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West Midlands PCC Awards Funding


Good news! We have secured £80,000 funding from the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, to support survivors of sexual violence and abuse. “We are delighted to have received this one off grant,” Lisa Thompson, Chief Executive of RSVP said. “This will make a big difference to our clients.”

We can now increase our helpline hours for crisis support, and increase our counselling hours, which will help reduce the time that people have to wait for counselling, currently 7 months, down to 4 months. To give extra self-help support we will also introduce a 10 week cope and recover group, to build people’s coping and self-help strategies. This therapeutic group will support clients to understand their symptoms and deal with the immediate effects of sexual violence and abuse.

“There can be life after being raped or abused,” says Lisa. “People do not forget what’s happened but they can learn to cope with the effects and turn their lives around. We are extremely grateful to the PCC and his Office for providing funding, to enable us to help even more people to turn their lives around.”

As one of our clients commented, “RSVP gave me the confidence to come forward and speak about what had happened to me. I am ready to live my new life now.”

Posted 13 April 2016

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