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Lisa Thompson, CEO of RSVP, introduces you to the DoH funded Transformation Project. This was a project in 2016 to 2017 where a number of agencies worked in partnership to improve support for sexually abused children in Birmingham . We led on the production of training and resources and are proud to introduce you to the project and our films. 

Transformation project transcript

LGBT Community

RSVP’s specialist LGBT Independent Sexual Violence Advocates Bev and Mark talk about how sexual abuse, violence and trauma can affect members of the LGBT community. They share some tips about how you can ensure that sensitive, appropriate and inclusive support is given to LGBT survivors . You can also find out more about our LGBT ISVA service.

LGBT Community transcript

Support during and after disclosure

RSVP Counsellors Fran, Margaretta and Stephen talk about how children and young people can be supported during and after a disclosure of sexual abuse, so they feel supported, believed and listened to.



RSVP’s CEO Lisa Thompson and Children’s Independent Sexual Violence Advocate and Counsellor Margaretta Vauls talk about how important it is to reflect on the language we use when we speak to, and about, people who have experienced any kind of sexual violence or abuse.  


Autonomy and Self Belief

RSVP Children’s Counsellors Fran and Margaretta (also a Children’s Sexual Violence Advocate) talk about the importance of autonomy and self belief.


Gangs and Organised Abuse

Rachel Hopper, CSE Regional Implementation Officer talks about the impact of gangs and organised abuse.


Responding Appropriately and Compassionately to Children

RSVP Children’s Counsellors Fran and Margaretta (also a Children’s Advocate) talk about how we can respond appropriately and with compassion to sexually traumatised children.


Children and Young People with Disability

Phillipa Cresswell, CSE Regional Implementation Officer and RSVP Children’s Counsellor Margaretta Vauls (also a Children’s Advocate) talk about sexually abused children and young people who also have a disability.


Boys and Young Male Survivors

RSVP’s specialist LGBT Independent Sexual Violence Advocate Bev (also a Counsellor), Counsellor Stephen and Phillipa Cresswell and Rachel Hopper, CSE Regional Implementation Officers talk about the issues for boys and young male survivors.


Myths and Victim Blaming  

RSVP’s CEO Lisa Thompson, Rachel Hopper and Phillipa Cresswell, CSE Regional Implementation Officers, RSVP specialist LGBT Independent Sexual Violence Advocate Bev Higgins (also a Counsellor), and RSVP Counsellor Eleni Kypridemos talk about how myths and victim blaming are sadly perpetuated.


Spotting Signs

RSVP’s Specialist Trainer Martha Jephcott, CEO Lisa Thompson and Phillipa Cresswell, CSE Regional Implementation Officer talk about how adults can spot signs of sexual abuse, violence or exploitation.


Grooming and Its Impacts

RSVP Children’s Counsellor Margaretta (also a Children’s Advocate) and RSVP Counsellor Eleni Kypridemos talk about grooming and how it impacts on survivors of sexual abuse, violence or exploitation.



More films will be added soon – watch this space!

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