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A Poem by Emma

Emma is a survivor who has started to write poetry to help healing, expression and coping. We hope her words might help you too. Thank you Emma for sharing.


A long time coming


Rape lasts longer than a moment,

Rape burns an imprint into the self.


Rape strips more than the outside

It thieves the words from your frightened mouth.

It makes you think you are different,

Like you’re deserving of this sin.

It cripples up the body

It freezes up the skin.


Should you ever meet a person,

Who has survived this evil act.

They’ve discovered the gift of healing.

Found blessing in attack.


The breadth of their compassion,

The depth within their soul,

The challenges they’ve faced,

Just to learn they’re more than whole.


Rape can last a lifetime,

Even if just a moment it may last,

Yet the power, with own permission can be restored,

The pain, the silence, the past.

Posted 9 December 2017

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