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Thank you to Ann for submitting this poem.

From the mist

Sails a Pirate ship.

To Blast you from the water,

Ruin life with your daughter,

Your son, your wife …. Your


Turn you outside in,

Don’t ever think you’ll win,

It won’t ever go away,

You know, that

Living death,

Black spot,

Rifled, shot,

Feel insane?

It’s in your brain

Tricking you

That ‘then’ is ‘now’,

“Poor cow”,

locked in at night,

sealed by fright,

Your bones will turn to dust.

Because you cannot trust

even You.


Grab that boat

And crash it down.

Slash its sails and

Watch it drown.

Unfurl your sails

And sally forth,

You own the sea,

The sky, the Earth,

You’ve owned it

Since you had your birth.

They stole life from you.

Your right to be

A happy galleon

Sailing free.

In your shoes,

They’d have sunken

Long before

You made the journey

Back to shore.

Command the Ocean,

Dare them drown,

Own your peace

Erase your frown.

Be proud of you,

Be proud of me,


We make RSVP.

Posted 23 December 2019

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