Reports & Briefings
Explore key reports & briefings by other organisations & agencies working in the sexual violence & abuse sector.

West Midlands Sexual Assault and Abuse Strategy (2020-2023)
We are pleased that this strategy for the Wet Midlands was released last year. It shows that many more organisations and agencies are working together to prevent sexual assault and sexual abuse, while also ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice and survivors are protected. This strategy also highlights the importance of individuals having lifelong access to support; we know there is a gap between resources and what we (as specialist services) can provide, which can result in long waiting times. This is something that we need to tackle locally, regionally and nationally – this remains one of our core strategic aims in our RSVP strategy.
Click here to read the West Midlands Sexual Assault and Abuse Strategy.

Victims’ Code (2020)
The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (the Victims’ Code) is the statutory code that sets out the minimum level of service that victims should receive from the criminal justice system. Under the Victims’ Code, you have the right to:
1. To be able to understand and to be understood
2. To have the details of the crime recorded without unjustified delay
3. To be provided with information when reporting the crime
4. To be referred to services that support victims and have services and support tailored to your needs
5. To be provided with information about compensation
6. To be provided with information about the investigation and prosecution
7. To make a Victim Personal Statement
8. To be given information about the trial, trial process and your role as a witness
9. To be given information about the outcome of the case and any appeals
10. To be paid expenses and have property returned
11. To be given information about the offender following a conviction
12. To make a complaint about your Rights not being met
Click here to read the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (the Victims’ Code).
Other resources include a Victims’ Code leaflet, poster & ‘easy read’ version.

The Decriminalisation of Rape (2020)
In this report, Rape Crisis England & Wales, Imkaan, the End Violence Against women Coalition (EVAW) and the Centre for Women’s Justice find ‘rape myths’ throughout the police and courts sytem. A call is made for major changes to police and prosecutor work practices, a Special Commission on juries, wraparound victim support and research on which women don’t report rape and why.
Click here to read The Decriminalisation of Rape report.

The Impact of the Two Pandemics: VAWG and COVID-19 on BLACK and Minoritised Women and Girls (2020)
Imkaan has published this report on the impact of both violence against women and girls (VAWG) and COVID-19 on black and minoritised women and girls. The report includes new survey data and key recommendations on addressing these dual pandemics.
Click here to read this report.

A Perfect Storm (2020)
A report from Women’s Aid which explores the impact of Covid-19 on survivors of domestic abuse and the services supporting them. The report shows how domestic abuse has worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic. It examines the impact on survivors, how abusers use the pandemic as a tool of abuse and how the services supporting survivors are affected.
Click here to read the report.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Disabled Women from Sisters of Frida (2020)
From Sisters of Frida, this report explores the impact of Covid-19 on disabled women and amplifies voices of disabled women in the pandemic.
Click here to read this report.

Nowhere to Turn (2020)
A report by Changing Lives, exploring sexual violence among women selling sex and experiencing sexual exploitation during Covid-19.
Click here to read this report.

Reclaiming Voice: Minoritised Women and Sexual Violence (2020)
A report by Imkaan, this national study provides unique insights into how minoritised women make sense of sexual violence and respond to such violations within a wider societal context of silencing and unspeakability, and specifically how this manifests for minoritised women based on their intersectional location. The report contains detailed narratives on the help-seeking journeys of minoritised survivors, service responses and promising practice approaches from specialist women’s organisations, as well as recommendations for improving policy and practice.
Click here to read this report.

NHS England’s Strategic Direction for Sexual Assault and Abuse Services (2018)
This strategic direction represents a shared vision and a shared focus for improvement. This strategy takes into account a lifelong pathway of care for survivors and seeks to drive the improvement of services now and in years to come.
Click here to read the strategy.