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Counselling evaluation

We have extended our external evaluation of the adult counselling service at RSVP, so that we will be evaluating the service up to 2024. In this phase, the evaluation has focused on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the adult counselling service. It looks at how the service adapted in unprecedented circumstances and the impact of significant changes in delivery for survivors and the team; the impact of national lockdown on new referrals into the service and what has been learnt from the pandemic to inform the service in the future.

The full report can be read here:

Recommendations include:

  • Maintain the blended approach to adult counselling where survivors can access face-to-face, online or telephone counselling, depending on their needs and preferences. Remote support via phone and online widens access to the counselling service.
  • New internal communication tools and team wellbeing initiatives should not be lost with the return to in-person working. There
    is still a great deal of uncertainty about the continuing
    impacts of the pandemic therefore this way of working should continue
  • A dedicated investment of time in the short term on paperless systems will improve administrative processes
  • Some people would benefit from a post counselling session self-care guide. Sessions can at times feel tough and very emotional, and self-care immediately after is needed.
  • Some people would benefit from seeing a photo of their counsellor before their first session. This would feel more relational and friendly than only having a name.

If you would like to read previous phases of the evaluation, go to:

Posted 28 October 2021

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