A Christmas Message
If you are spending Christmas with other people we hope that they bring you happiness, laughter and warmth. If spending it alone we hope that you have some quality ‘you time’ and relaxation, and show love to yourself by doing the things you want to do.
How ever you are spending it if this time of year is difficult, retriggering, loss filled, traumatising or distressing we want you to know we understand, we are thinking of you and we send encouragement to enable you to draw on the strength, determination and resilience you possess. We send you big hearted warmth, absolute belief in you and your ability to overcome, and boldness to strive on and prosper, flourish and thrive, despite the traumatic times you’ve experienced.
From all of the team at RSVP we’d like to wish you and all survivors, a very Happy Christmas.
If you need our support we will open again on Wednesday 27th December from 9am-1pm on our:
– Helpline if you need to talk 0121 643 4136
– Office number for queries about services or to make referrals 0121 643 0301 option 1
For full information about the other times we are open click here.