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A Disorder for Everyone – a trauma informed alternative

“I was exasperated with the whole ‘disorder’ thing – it has taken over as the only way to understand distress and there is nothing hopeful about it. This event challenges it all, and, as it turns out – there is hope!” (Participant Newcastle AD4E)

RSVP is proud to be involved in a partnership event alongside the team from ‘A Disorder for Everyone.’ The event will challenge the culture of psychiatric diagnosis, explore trauma informed alternatives, examine  current attitudes and aim to change the way we approach mental health. Rather than labelling people, including survivors of sexual trauma, with medical ‘disorders’ and language, we believe in choices, empowerment, trauma informed support and addressing the root causes of distress. We advocate that instead of asking ‘what’s wrong with you?’ supporters and professionals gently enquire, ‘what’s happened to you?’


“A Disorder for Everyone” – will be a dynamic and thought provoking day, welcoming well informed and passionate speakers who challenge the mainstream narrative of ‘diagnosis and disorder’ in favour of non- pathologising, trauma-informed alternatives. If you want the chance to hear innovative and an alternative narrative about mental health book your place now.

‘A Disorder For Everyone!’ is taking place on Friday 20th April, Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham, B4 7SX, 09:00 – 17:00.


The day will be of interest to mental health professionals, students and trainees, academics, people with lived experience of psychiatric diagnosis, activists, carers, supporters, survivors and anyone interested in current debates about mental health.

Speakers include;

Dr Lucy Johnstone – clinical psychologist and author of ‘Users and Abusers of Psychiatry

Jo Watson – psychotherapist and organiser of Drop the Disorder

Nollaig McSweeney – therapist, author and activist

Dr Jacqui Dillon – survivor, author, activist and trainer, featured on BBC’s Why Did I Go Mad?

Jessica Eaton – speaker, activist and researcher in victim blaming

Dr. Akima Thomas, Black feminist, psychotherapist and recent contributor to the activists letter speaking out on  sexual harassment, discrimination and abuse

RSVP, and more!

Poet Clare Shaw, survivor and activist, will also be performing.

Please click on the link below for full details and booking

Posted 9 February 2018

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