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Aviva Community Fund – will you give us your vote?

RSVP’s project page is live on the Aviva Community Fund website. If we get enough ‘votes’ we can secure funding from Aviva to:

  • Reduce the time that people are waiting for counselling; due to high numbers of referrals, the wait for counselling to start is approximately 5 months.
  • Provide more support in outreach locations around Birmingham and Solihull, so our services are more accessible and inclusive.
  • Increase our services and provide more resources for children, young people and families

When you register with the Aviva Community Fund, you’ll be granted 10 votes. You can use all 10 votes with RSVP, or spread them across a number of causes.

Follow the link to read more about RSVP’s cause – supporting survivors of sexual abuse, and to register and case your vote

Voting closes on 21st November.

Posted 25 October 2017

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