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  1. Arts with Hearts Crafty Summer

    Arts with Hearts will be selling their crafty creations at a number of events over the coming months.  Confirmed so far are:

    20th MaySt Martin in the Bull Ring, 10am – 4.30pm
    24th JuneBournville Village Festival, Cadbury Recreation
    Ground, Bournville, 2pm – 8pm
    1st JulyCoCoMAD, Cotteridge Park, from 12 noon

    A wide range of craft items, all hand-made by survivors of
    sexual violence and abuse and their supporters, will be
    available – all at good prices.

    Please come along and support us!  All proceeds of our stalls go toward the work of RSVP.

    Posted 8 May 2017
  2. Roaring Thanks Lions!

    When was the last time you got a big cheque?  Well, thanks to the generosity of the Birmingham China Town Lions, RSVP has received a big cheque for a big amount – £5, 000!

    We’re absolutely delighted that the Lions have been raising money for us at the various events and functions they organise, most recently their 30th Anniversary dinner.  Their commitment in supporting our services in Birmingham and Solihull, allows us to inspire people affected by sexual violence and abuse and support them to make meaningful changes and live a future with confidence.

    Thanks again China Town Lions – and here’s to another 30 years!


    Posted 5 May 2017
  3. Consultation on Cuts

    Birmingham City Council have announced plans to remove the Third Sector grants programme, which funds 41 charities in Birmingham that support vulnerable people. This is in order to make a saving of £3.2 million in 2017/18 increasing to £5 million in 2018/19 as part of the savings they have been told to make by central government.

    This will mean that from September 2017 RSVP will lose annual funding of £10,625 that has previously contributed to counselling, advocacy and self-help group support and information for adult survivors of sexual violence and abuse.

    There is currently a public consultation, where any members of the public can submit their thoughts, suggestions and recommendations. You can access more information, and the survey here

    We particularly encourage survivors to contribute as we think it is vital that your voices are heard.

    For anyone who uses our services please be reassured, that though this is a loss of income for RSVP, it will not result in the closure of any service. We have worked hard to diversify our income so that we are not wholly reliant on local and central government at a time when there are so many cuts to public spending.

    Find out who currently supports our work, and how you can donate or fundraise for us here

    Posted 2 May 2017
  4. Arts with Hearts at Rowheath Pavilion Craft Market

    Fancy a nice day out for Bank Holiday Monday?  Then head down to the  Rowheath Pavillion Vintage and Craft Market on Monday 1st May where Arts with Hearts will be selling their crafty creations to raise money for RSVP.  

    Look out for their cute range of sock monkeys!


    Posted 28 April 2017
  5. Vagina Monologues – and cupcakes!

    A big thank you to all involved with the Infinity Stage Company at University of Birmingham who are donating £986 to RSVP.  These are the profits from their award-winning production of the Vagina Monologues, which included some rather special cupcakes.  The show was named ‘Best Event’ by the University of Birmingham student’s guild – a well deserved award.  Congratulations Infinity!  

    Infinity Stage Company are a charity student theatre group who have been raising money for RSVP this entire academic year and had already raised over £800 for us from their Christmas Ball, raffles, and other shows.  Find put more about them and their upcoming shows at

    Posted 6 April 2017
  6. ‘Take me out’ at Aston University

    Thank you to Sultana Rahmen and her friends at Aston University who organised their own unique version of ‘Take Me Out’ and raised almost £500 for RSVP.

    You can read Sultana’s entertaining blog post about the evening at:

    Posted 16 March 2017
  7. Thank you to the People’s Postcode Lottery

    RSVP have been awarded £18,818 from the People’s Postcode Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. A huge thank you to the trust and players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. The funds will be used to create self-help support and resources for survivors of sexual abuse.

    There is a great need for therapeutic support that has lasting impact on the wellbeing of survivors. Self-help techniques ensure increased wellbeing that is sustainable as survivors have the tools, techniques and emotional literacy to cope in the future.

    We will create a package of written self-help information, available online and in print on topics and issues important to survivors. We will also deliver a programme of group support, where survivors can receive peer support.

    Posted 8 February 2017
  8. Infinity fundraising update

    Some lovely news to share before Christmas – the kind folk at Infinity Stage Company organised a fundraising ball for us earlier this month, and raised a fantastic amount for RSVP.  £846 to be precise!

    Infinity chose RSVP as their charity of the year for this academic year, and they’re already making a real difference. A big thank you to the whole team.

    If you’re interested in checking out their work – you can see them in a production of the Vagina Monologues in February at the University of Birmingham. Check their Facebook page for more information

    Posted 20 December 2016
  9. #GiveMe5 is live


    As part of Charity Tuesday, Local Giving will be matching 1000 £5 donations all day today. Each £5 donation made today will go  into a draw, randomly selected donations will be matched by Local Giving, meaning donations are doubled at no extra cost to you.

    To make a £5 donation, and enter the draw for match funded donations, go to

    The next #GiveMe5 is on 16th December.

    Posted 29 November 2016
  10. Santa Cause 3


    Come along to a great charity evening where everyone wI’ll have a fun night whilst supporting our specialist charity.

    Every year we support thousands of survivors of rape, sexual violence and sexual abuse whether they are men, women, children, asylum seekers or trafficked people. The demand within Birmingham and the West Midlands is growing at an unacceptable level. We need your help and support to raise our profile and to also help engage supporters.

    Santa Cause 3 – The Return of Mrs Cause, will take place on Wednesday 23rd November 2016. The plan is to meet at The Bank Restaurant & Bar in Brindley Place, Birmingham for a welcome drink  of wine, beer or bubbly and photo shoot starting at 6pm. Everyone will then be given a special seasonal outfit before we leave for our second venue. The first 100 people to book will be given a free seasonal outfit sponsored by our good friends and supporters Orton Estates Ltd…… So book your tickets here !

    Then at approximately 7.30pm we will move onto Zizzis where you will receive another free welcome drink of bubbly and food.

    We then will move to our final destination of the night Nuvo, at approximately 9pm where we spend the remainder of the evening where there will be a DJ, a raffle with some great prizes and treats for a Christmas party!

    Unlike our Santa Cause events on previous years we are keeping this event to three venues to allow for a more leisurely approach.

    Book your tickets on the link above but if you do require any additional information please contact us on:

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Posted 3 November 2016

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