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  1. We’re Open

    Good news…


    We are open today, Tuesday 12th December, we are assessing the situation hour by hour.


    We are pleased that we can be here for you again.


    Lisa Thompson



    Posted 12 December 2017
  2. Snow Update

    Monday 11th December:

    We are sorry to announce that for the second day running we won’t be open due to the weather. There is some public transport running but it is limited and we know that schools are off too. We don’t think it’s safe for the survivors we support or our team to make a journey.


    Stay indoors in the warm today. We’ll reopen as usual tomorrow.


    We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

    Lisa Thonpson


    Posted 11 December 2017
  3. Snow Update

    We are sorry to announce that today, Sunday 10th December, we won’t be open due to the weather. We opened yesterday but due to heavier snowfall overnight we felt unable to avoid this situation, as we don’t think it’s safe for the survivors we support to make a journey.


    Also many of our team have tried to get to our offices so we can carry on as normal but haven’t been able to reach RSVP.


    Stay indoors in the warm today. We’ll reassess the situation tomorrow and update you about services then.


    Lisa Thompson


    10th December 2017

    Posted 10 December 2017
  4. Great News!

    The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse has selected RSVP as one of only 17 organisations across the country to fund us to evaluate our services for sexually abused children and young people.

    This is really important funding. It will allow us to monitor the effectiveness of our support services for children, measure the impact our support has on the lives of children, young people and families and ensure we are making a difference. We’ll be consulting with young people and families who use our services to make sure that the services properly reflect what young people need.

    You can read more about the fund, and the other projects awarded here

    If you are a child or young person who has faced sexual abuse or you know one who has, you can talk to us, we’re here for you and we  believe you. Call 0121 643 0301 to talk about services or call the helpline or 0121 643 4136

    Posted 20 November 2017
  5. Third Sector grants – Success!

    Back in May we shared news that the Birmingham City Council were recommending that Third Sector grants, that fund 41 charities in the city, be removed as part of budget cuts.

    We shared the public consultation paper, and invited you as members of the public, as users of our services and the people who would be affected by these changes, to contribute your thoughts.

    You did, and it had a real impact. The cabinet agreed to extend Third Sector grants to 31st March 2018.

    Thank you for your support, you made a difference.

    Find out who currently supports our work, and how you can donate or fundraise for us here


    Posted 16 November 2017
  6. Infinite thanks!

    Infinity Stage Company at University of Birmingham chose RSVP as their charity of the year, last academic year. They spent the year fundraising for us, and have donated profits of their theatre productions.

    They donated a whopping £2000 to supporting survivors of sexual abuse, on top of £986 they already fundraised for us from the production of the Vagina Monologues. We’re so appreciative of their hard work and commitment, fundraising and donations make an enormous difference to our work.

    If you would like to do some fundraising for survivors of sexual abuse RSVP services at work, school, college or simply among friends and family, get in touch. We can give you a fundraising pack with lots of fundraising ideas, and help to promote events and sponsorship opportunities.





    Posted 14 November 2017
  7. More Capable Than You Think

    Our Chief Executive  achieved the unthinkable this year; she ran a whopping 200 miles in under 88 hours, raising funds for our services to support survivors of sexual abuse. She has raised over £4,200 online and offline so far, and you can still donate here


    We’re not the only ones impressed by Lisa’s achievements. Runner’s World magazine did a double page spread and RSVP got mentioned too! They interviewed Lisa and photographed her in Birmingham’s Cannon Hill Park. The interview is now available online, where you can read about Lisa’s running journey, what motivates her and how running has been important to her wellbeing and resilience.


    Lisa also has a message for survivors in the article, “You don’t have to be the strongest to achieve – some of the most resilient people and survivors I know are the quietest and gentlest, with the most self-doubt; but they keep going anyway and achieve their goals.”


    Read the full interview here


    If you are interested in trying out running yourself, in a safe and supportive environment, you might be interested in the weekly running group for survivors. It is organised by Lisa and happens on Saturday mornings at Cannon Hill Park parkrun. It’s free to join and focuses on gentle running for relaxation and fun. No 200 mile races, we promise!


    Drop Lisa an email if you’re interested:


    Please ask Lisa about the Run Talk (walk) event too which she can also introduce you to. It’s particularly useful for people who aren’t ready to run yet or want a less busy group to join than parkrun. It also happens in Cannon Hill Park at 10am and is on the second and last Saturday of each month.

    Posted 2 November 2017
  8. Outstanding!

    On Thursday 28th September LimeCulture will be revealing the winners from their shortlisted nominations for the 2017 LimeLight Awards.


    We are absolutely delighted and so proud that one of our ISVAs (advocates) has been nominated for the Award for ‘Outstanding Achievement by an ISVA Supporting Adults.’


    Our team member Lisa Monks has done exceptionally well to be selected as one of only three nominees across the U.K.. The award she’s nominated for celebrates excellent practice and the achievements of an individual ISVA who supports adults. All nominees have demonstrated commitment, passion and exceptional encouragement and support for their adult clients.


    Lisa has been nominated alongside Yvonne Raybone from Amethyst SARC and Barbara Pawson from Arch North East. We wish them all well but obviously hope that Lisa wins for us, although in our eyes Lisa is already outstanding with or without an award.

    Limelight Awards

    Limelight Awards

    Last year you might remember that firstly, our entire ISVA Team won the “ISVA Exceptional Team” award, for leading the way in the provision of ISVA services and for making a significant contribution to supporting survivors. Secondly that a LimeLight Award was named in honour and memory of our beloved colleague and friend Vicky Bardsley who we still miss so much. Vicky supported children and young people at RSVP and sadly lost her battle with cancer in 2015. The award is one of the many ways that Vicky is leaving a positive legacy for the many sexually abused children and young people she supported.


    For the ISVAs nominated for the “Vicky Bardsley Prize: Oustanding Achievement by an ISVA Supporting Children & Young People”  and for the “ISVA Exceptional Team” Award we wish you well.


    We’d like to congratulate RSVP’s Lisa Monks and every other nominee shortlisted as we know that it is a fantastic achievement to get this far.


    A final message to our Lisa though, we genuinely appreciate you, this award is a testament to your skill, dedication and professionalism, and we hope you win!

    Posted 27 September 2017
  9. It was ‘only’ 200 miles!!

    Exciting news! Our Chief Exec Lisa Thompson has completed the 200 mile GB Ultra run. She started running on Saturday at 6am and completed the run across the Penines (from Southport to Hornsea!) on Tuesday evening. Incredible stuff. She smashed the 100 hour target.

    Watch this space for a debrief from Lisa. For now, we wish her a well deserved, carb-filled- rest!

    Over £3000 has already been raised for RSVP, and there’s still time to donate and show your support both to Lisa and to the work of RSVP supporting survivors of sexual abuse.


    Posted 23 August 2017
  10. Roaring Thanks Lions!

    When was the last time you got a big cheque?  Well, thanks to the generosity of the Birmingham China Town Lions, RSVP has received a big cheque for a big amount – £5, 000!

    We’re absolutely delighted that the Lions have been raising money for us at the various events and functions they organise, most recently their 30th Anniversary dinner.  Their commitment in supporting our services in Birmingham and Solihull, allows us to inspire people affected by sexual violence and abuse and support them to make meaningful changes and live a future with confidence.

    Thanks again China Town Lions – and here’s to another 30 years!


    Posted 5 May 2017

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