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  1. Corona Virus & COVID-19

    We have been monitoring the health situation with Coronavirus carefully in order to protect your health, the health of our team and the health of people who visit us too. We have already been following public health and Government advice and been encouraging hand washing and the use of hand sanitiser to reduce the risk of infection. 

    Since the Government has moved to the next phase of advice we want to update you, as we want to play our part in reducing the spread of the virus and protecting the most vulnerable. 

    Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we ask that anyone with symptoms, a new and persistent cough and/or a temperature/fever does not come to the RSVP office or into an outreach site. Please stay at home and wait until the symptoms have passed and self isolate.

    Please click here and read this advice if you do need to self-isolate.

    Support by telephone can be arranged and is available, please speak to the office to ask about this.

    We will not count counselling sessions which have been missed due to Coronavirus, self-isolation or caring for children if schools shut down.

    Also, if you have been into RSVP or an outreach site, and then have a positive diagnosis of Corona Virus, please inform us.

    We hope this gives you some clear information and advice. We will continue to monitor the situation and do our best to look after your health while receiving RSVP services. Take good care.

    Posted 13 March 2020

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