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  1. In at the deep end!

    Six brave fundraisers are taking on a massive challenge for RSVP. On 20th October, they’ll be swimming with sharks, without a cage!

    They all have fundraising pages online and we’re hoping they’ll smash their fundraising targets.

    Thanks to all the fundraisers (and those supporting them), your support makes a big difference.

    Gurdeep Gill

    Adam Bailey

    Charlotte Harrell

    Gregg, Joshua and Dominic Morgan

    Posted 12 September 2018
  2. Chinese women’s group facilitator vacancy

    We are looking for a group facilitator to form part of our social group service that addresses the issue of loneliness and isolation among survivors of sexual violence and abuse. This vacancy is for a facilitator to work with RSVP’s Chinese women’s group.

    This post is open to women only (exempt under the Equality Act 2010 Schedule 9, Part 1).

    RSVP is an award winning, long established and well respected specialist charity. We support children and adults of all genders following rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. This year we are 40, having been established in 1978. We are a vibrant, growing organisation. We believe survivors. We are bold and will go the extra mile to support survivors. We are big hearted, showing the empathy that survivors deserve and need. If you fit these values then we would love to hear from you

    Chinese women’s group facilitator

    Hours – 3 hours on the second Friday of every month and 2 hours prep at least one week prior to the group,  totaling 5 hours per month

    Salary – £21,693 pro-rata plus 2-3% pension contribution.

    Your role will be to provide a high quality and victim/survivor-focused social support to women of the Chinese community. To facilitate and help to deliver a range of group activities in a safe and social way to meet the needs of Chinese women affected by rape, sexual assault, exploitation and childhood sexual abuse. To demonstrate positive experiences of social engagement and interaction. To support survivors in interacting positively with others. To motivate people in the group. To put an understanding of group dynamics and into practice and to maintain client safety and confidentiality at all times.

    Please email or call Anjella on 0121 643 0301 if you wish to discuss the role in more detail.

    To apply, please download and read the below documents, and return the application form to . Closing date for applications is 5pm, Wednesday 19th September.

    Chinese group facilitator job description

    Chinese group facilitator person specification

    Application form Chinese group facilitator

    Posted 22 August 2018
  3. Refugee and asylum-seeker support worker vacancy

    We are looking for a support worker to form part of our specialist service supporting refugees, asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants who have experienced rape and sexual abuse.

    RSVP is an award winning, long established and well respected specialist charity. We support children and adults of all genders following rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. This year we are 40, having been established in 1978. We are a vibrant, growing organisation. We believe survivors. We are bold and will go the extra mile to support survivors. We are big hearted, showing the empathy that survivors deserve and need. If you fit these values then we would love to hear from you.

    Refugee and asylum-seeker support worker

    Hours –10 hours per week, specific days/times to be negotiated.

    Salary – £21,693 pro-rata plus 2-3% pension contribution.

    Contract – Fixed term for 12 months

    To provide a high quality and victim/survivor-focused support service for refugees, asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants who have been subjected to, or at risk of sexual violence, abuse and/or exploitation. The support worker will:

    • Provide practical support at every stage of the survivor journey
    • Ensure survivors can access health, housing and other support services that appropriately recognise and meet the needs of refugees and asylum-seekers.
    • The support worker will improve client access to specialised services and provide equality of service.

    Please email or call Anjella on 0121 643 0301 if you wish to discuss the role in more detail.

    To apply, please download and read the below documents, and return the application form to . Closing date for applications is 5pm, Wednesday 24th October.

    Application Form 

    Person Specification

    Job description

    Posted 21 August 2018
  4. The Girl Behind the Glass


    One voice in your head says – “He said everything is OK”.

    The other asks – “Why do I feel sick…?”

    With 1 in 3 women across the world experiencing sexual assault, this piece explores the non-linear journey of sexual assault recovery. The piece also considers how society perceives these issues, and the effect that has on those who have experienced sexual assault.

    A multi-talented female trio of two singer-actors and a cellist use live music, movement and drama to explore recovery and shame, moving through a journey of denial, rejection and acceptance.

    Chloe Knibbs has produced The Girl Behind the Glass, and is supported by the PRS Foundation’s Women Make Music.

    You can see the performance at the mac in Birmingham on Thursday 8th November. There’s a matinee and an evening performance and you can book tickets via the mac’s website



    Posted 7 August 2018
  5. 5 Ultra runs in 4 months!

    We’re so grateful to Nicola for her incredible fundraising efforts. She is completing 5 different ‘ultra runs’ in just 4 months. Her final, and biggest, challenge takes place this week at the Thames Ultra – a whopping 184 miles!


    Nicola has already smashed her target, and if you want to donate to her fundraising page and show your support, just go to LocalGiving.

    Posted 6 August 2018
  6. Email issues – now fixed

    We have had problems receiving emails since Friday. Thankfully, the issue is now fixed and all new emails should arrive as normal but if you have tried to contact us by email over the last 3-4 days please do re-send your email or call us 0121 643 0301.

    Sincere apologies if you have been waiting for a response from us.

    Posted 16 July 2018
  7. Alcohol, memory recall and sexual assault research

    Heather Flowe, a researcher from the University of Birmingham, has written this article summarising her research into the accuracy of police statements after a sexual assault where the survivor has drunk alcohol. She dispels some of the myths around the effect of alcohol on memory, and is educating professionals on her research in order to improve responses to survivors when they report sexual assaults.

    Does alcohol intoxication during the rape impair the accuracy of survivors’ police statements?

    Rape and sexual violence typically takes place outside of public view. Criminal investigations hinge on accounts given by the accused and the survivor. Usually, the accused and survivor know one another, and there is little physical evidence to corroborate the survivor’s account. Complicating matters further, the perpetrator and the survivor in the vast majority of rape and sexual violence cases were under the influence of alcohol during the offense. It is widely known that alcohol intoxication affects memory and attention. Thus, a key issue for legal practitioners is whether the parties involved are accurately remembering the incident.

    Research on the effects of alcohol on witness memory accuracy in crime scenarios has dramatically increased in recent years. In these studies, research participants are given different doses of alcohol and afterwards are shown a mock crime, such as a theft. Participants are then questioned about what they saw, either when they are still intoxicated or after they have sobered up. A clear pattern emerges across these studies: Participants who were alcohol-intoxicated when they witnessed the mock crime give less complete accounts about the mock crime. Put differently, participants who were intoxicated are more likely to answer ‘I don’t know’ in response to the questions. However, the accuracy of the information recalled does not differ in relation to alcohol intoxication. Participants who were alcohol intoxicated during the crime provide accounts that are just as accurate as their sober counterparts. Research have also begun to investigate the effects of alcohol on memory for sexual violence. This work has also shown that participants who were under the influence of alcohol, as opposed to sober, give less complete accounts of the sexual violence, but their accounts are no more likely to have errors. Why is alcohol intoxication not associated with increased memory report errors? One possibility is that people who were under the influence of alcohol during the crime may report less information to investigators because they are concerned that alcohol may have affected their memory accuracy. Thus, they choose to report information only when they are relatively certain that it is accurate.

    Our team is conducting additional research to help police and other legal practitioners improve their practice when interviewing intoxicated sexual assault survivors. This work is essential in increasing the low prosecution rates in sexual violence cases. Further, our work has shown that survivors of sexual violence who were under the influence of alcohol often do not report rape to the police because they blame themselves. Crucially, first responders and others who work with survivors need to dispel myths about alcohol and the accuracy of testimony in the furtherance of justice in rape cases.

    For further reading:

    Flowe, H. D., & Maltby, J. (2017). An experimental examination of alcohol consumption, alcohol expectancy and self-blame on willingness to report a hypothetical rape. Aggressive Behavior.

    Flowe, H. D., Takarangi, M. K. T., *Humphries, J. E., & *Wright, D. S. (2016). Alcohol and remembering a hypothetical sexual assault: Can people who were under the influence of alcohol during the event provide accurate testimony? Memory, 24, 1042-1061. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2015.1064536

    Schreiber Compo, N., Evans, J. R., Carol, R. N., Villalba, D., Ham, L. S., Garcia, T., & Rose, S. (2012). Intoxicated eyewitnesses: Better than their reputation?. Law and Human Behavior, 36, 77. doi: 10.1007/s10979-011-9273-5.

    Heather D. Flowe


    University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, Centre for Applied Psychology

    Posted 12 July 2018
  8. Wish granted!

    Thank you to the generous folk who have granted our wish and bought essential children’s therapeutic resources from our Amazon wish list. They’ve gone straight into Vicky’s Room – our children’s and family room.

    There’s lots of other items on the wish list, including books, feelings flash cards and admin items. It’s a really simple and direct way to support us in our 40th year. You can browse the wish list here.


    Posted 2 July 2018
  9. The Peak District Challenge

    If you want to take on a new challenge AND raise money for RSVP in our 40th year, why not take on the Peak District Challenge?

    21-22 September, you would face a raise against time to complete a picturesque running/trekking challenge in the beautiful Peak District. There are 5 levels of difficulty you can choose from, read about them here.

    All you need to do is register at and select RSVP as your chosen charity to receive sponsorship money. And then it’s time to get your friends and family involved by securing donations. We can help promote your challenge on social media, and will be rooting for you the whole way!



    Posted 27 June 2018
  10. MEGA fundraising challenge – 28 countries in 1 year!

    Enormous thanks to Steve who has set himself a huge fundraising (and physical!) challenge. He is running in all 28 EU member states before Britain exits the EU in March 2019.

    He’s aiming to raise £10,000 that will be donated to RSVP and Changing Faces, a charity offering support and advice for people living with a condition that affects their physical appearance.

    Steve says:

    I’m going to attempt to run in all 28 countries of the European Union before Britain leaves at 11pm on 29 March 2019. In each country I’ll aim to run with local running groups and clubs, taking part in organised races when I can. Wherever I go, I’ll tell people about this crazy challenge, the reasons why it’s important to me and about the work of RSVP and Changing Faces. Please help me support these two fantastic charities.

    Steve’s fundraiser page is live at

    All money donated to RSVP will go towards supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse.

    Posted 6 June 2018

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