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Consultation on Cuts

Birmingham City Council have announced plans to remove the Third Sector grants programme, which funds 41 charities in Birmingham that support vulnerable people. This is in order to make a saving of £3.2 million in 2017/18 increasing to £5 million in 2018/19 as part of the savings they have been told to make by central government.

This will mean that from September 2017 RSVP will lose annual funding of £10,625 that has previously contributed to counselling, advocacy and self-help group support and information for adult survivors of sexual violence and abuse.

There is currently a public consultation, where any members of the public can submit their thoughts, suggestions and recommendations. You can access more information, and the survey here

We particularly encourage survivors to contribute as we think it is vital that your voices are heard.

For anyone who uses our services please be reassured, that though this is a loss of income for RSVP, it will not result in the closure of any service. We have worked hard to diversify our income so that we are not wholly reliant on local and central government at a time when there are so many cuts to public spending.

Find out who currently supports our work, and how you can donate or fundraise for us here

Posted 2 May 2017

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