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Thank you to Annette for sharing her poem with us.

The fear I feel is my own fear,

Of life itself.

So afraid, because I am more aware of pain and sorrow than of joy and happiness.

I know I must not look for bad things all my life,

Accept what happiness I can,

Life’s too short not to enjoy part of it,

I must accept my good times.

Every person, whether they know it or not, has a fear,

I am more aware of mine.

Having time to sit and think sometimes does me more harm than good.

So, I must accept my life and live it to the best of my ability.

From now on I will try and accept my fears and not let them stand in my way.

We all have a person inside of us fighting to get out, to find the reason why we are here on this planet Earth.

The word fear is a very frightening, powerful word.

The biggest fear for me is life itself,

Afraid to turn another corner,

Afraid to open another door,

The fear of not knowing what I have to face next.

Is it really the fear of living I am afraid of or is it the fear of dying?

I may never know that answer.

There are always questions, but not answers, some things are best left without an answer,

So stop searching, accept life for what it is.


Posted 18 March 2019

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