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Gaining Back Control.

We would like to thank the survivor who has asked us to anonymously share their poem.  This poem explores how taking time to be with yourself can empower you to take back control of the choices you make and the direction your life takes.

Poetry can be used as a way of expressing emotions that might otherwise be difficult to express. We hope you enjoy the poem.



Gaining back control
Heading out of the harbour’s safety
At the helm and feeling more in control
Looking out into the unknown
Repaired hull,  the damage has left scars
These will heal with time,
with time spent feeling empowered
Time spent recognising my own needs
and no longer dismissing them,
No longer ignoring the hurts, the pains of time gone by.


Heading out of the harbour
into the cloudy peaks of unchartered waves
Realising I am not alone
The ocean that is life is ahead of me
Complete with it’s tides of calm and storm
Yet, I am not  now alone
I have support around me
I stand at the helm yet I am not isolated.



I now make choices about the direction I steer
Choices that I am not coerced into
Being in control of events and decisions
I navigate this new path into the unknown
I navigate it because I want to, for myself
Because I choose to take this journey
To re find  myself, my true identity
The inner part of me that cannot be taken away
Cannot be destroyed by the perils of the sea.
That part of me is now starting to be at the helm
Beginning to resurface- to take back and gain control.

Posted 12 May 2018

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