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Invisible Damage

The poem is talking about how we say we’re “fine”, when people ask and don’t show how we really feel, for various reasons, and how important it is to find people (like at RSVP) who we can tell how we really feel

Pearl is fine, Pearl is free

But Pearl is trapped

And Pearl is me.

You only see the one on show, really not the one you know.

Sawn in half each side divides,

Pearl is living in two lives.

Scythed in two by Virus rules, locked at home,

No fun in schools, no friends to play, out of Control,

My head is cut down to my soul.

Isolation ward is home, only help is down a phone,

No touch, no love, no shielding arm,

Alone and scared of any harm,

Rocking, starving,all those things self-abusive harming brings,

Making sense more than the lies, strategies and stingy eyes

From crying. Loss of self, loss of me, controlled, restricted, power-free.

I’m needing help from someone who sees past the mask

And guides me through to overcome the big deride,

My introverted “spoilt” child.

Yet out in life no-one can tell,

Pearl is happy, Pearl is well,

Pearl is fun, she makes you laugh,

But really Pearl is cut in half.

Posted 1 June 2021

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