ISVA Limelight awards
Limeculture’s LimeLight Awards for outstanding ISVA support is open for nominations until Wednesday 31st August. The four awards acknowledge the outstanding contributions and achievements of individual adult ISVAs, children ISVAs, ISVA Teams and ISVA Managers who have demonstrated excellence, dedication and commitment to supporting victims of sexual violence through their work.
Vicky Bardsley (right) with RSVP CEO Lisa Thompson
The LimeLight Children’s ISVA Award is dedicated to Vicky Bardsley, an accredited ISVA who worked at RSVP. Vicky sadly lost her battle with cancer in 2015 leaving behind her family, many friends and her committed colleagues, and a positive legacy for the many sexually abused children and young people that she has supported.
If you you have received excellent support from an ISVA, you can nominate them for an award, follow the link to download a nomination award and cast your vote. Return your completed nominations via email to