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It’s Not Ok

Did you know that this week it’s Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week? What will you be doing to raise awareness of sexual abuse?

You can use the hashtag #itsnotok to raise awareness on social media.

You can read the words of survivors on our Survivor Stories page.

You can donate to our 40th birthday campaign, we’re aiming to rise £40,000 to mark our 40th year and continue supporting survivors for 40 more.

You can challenge victim blaming myths wherever you hear them. Jessica Eaton has made this fantastic 60 second video introducing the problem of victim blaming in sexual violence.

And what are RSVP doing this week?

Today, we’re at the launch of a new publication To Report or Not To Report: Survivor Testimony of the (In)Justice System by our friends at Reconnected Life. We’re proud to know some of the contributors who have shown immense courage as they speak out about their experiences.

Tonight, we’re at the University of Birmingham to Reclaim the Night, standing up against sexual violence and harassment, cat-calling and victim blaming.

And this week we’re offering 287 counselling appointments to survivors of any gender, any age in various locations around Birmingham and Solihull.



Posted 6 February 2018

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