More Capable Than You Think
Our Chief Executive achieved the unthinkable this year; she ran a whopping 200 miles in under 88 hours, raising funds for our services to support survivors of sexual abuse. She has raised over £4,200 online and offline so far, and you can still donate here
We’re not the only ones impressed by Lisa’s achievements. Runner’s World magazine did a double page spread and RSVP got mentioned too! They interviewed Lisa and photographed her in Birmingham’s Cannon Hill Park. The interview is now available online, where you can read about Lisa’s running journey, what motivates her and how running has been important to her wellbeing and resilience.
Lisa also has a message for survivors in the article, “You don’t have to be the strongest to achieve – some of the most resilient people and survivors I know are the quietest and gentlest, with the most self-doubt; but they keep going anyway and achieve their goals.”
Read the full interview here
If you are interested in trying out running yourself, in a safe and supportive environment, you might be interested in the weekly running group for survivors. It is organised by Lisa and happens on Saturday mornings at Cannon Hill Park parkrun. It’s free to join and focuses on gentle running for relaxation and fun. No 200 mile races, we promise!
Drop Lisa an email if you’re interested:
Please ask Lisa about the Run Talk (walk) event too which she can also introduce you to. It’s particularly useful for people who aren’t ready to run yet or want a less busy group to join than parkrun. It also happens in Cannon Hill Park at 10am and is on the second and last Saturday of each month.