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More Snow

Thank you to Ann for sending through her second poem about snow. It’s really powerful.

I used to like it lay its cloak,

Felt safe around me,

Nothing broke,

Nothing shattered,

Nothing lost

No nightmares where my brain 

was tossed.

Serene and silent,

Quiet and quaint

People sparkling,

Glittered paint.

On every treetop,shrub and rock,

It spread itself

With sugared swirl,

THEN,I was

Always “Daddy’s girl”.


NOW, Darth Vader

Comes in white

He cracks and snaps

Throughout the night,



and vacuum-still,

His brightness stuns the room until

He grips with claws

My frozen jaws,

Shakes my bones

and shreds my skin.

how could I let this

Bastard in?

Posted 23 December 2019

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