This poem about RSVP was written by Ann. Thank you Ann for your warm words. And sorry about the clumsy lifts! 🙂
Don’t take this from me,
This calm of places,
The arms that hug me,
The smiling faces.
I need to come here,
I need to fit,
I just need to be
Allowed to sit.
It’s precious now,
To those who come,
It’s strength in numbers,
It allows us fun.
It smells of safety,
It smells of nice.
I feel warm here,
There’s no ice.
The buzzer on the wall,
The clumsy lifts,
The mouse-size toilets,
No-one fits.
The chairs,
The cushions,
The bing-bong bell,
Safe oasis
From our hell.
Don’t take this from me,
I need it here.
I need to know
That others fear,
Reach and huddle,
Meet and cuddle,
Know I’m breathing,
Know I’m here,
Know that
These are people
I don’t have to fear.