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Spirit of Strength

Spirit of strength

At RSVP we salute the strength, courage and resilience of the people that we support.  This inspiring and beautiful poem written by Zoe celebrates these qualities and describes her journey to re-discover her voice and use its power to speak out for justice.



You took my dance and you took my song

You took so much while I was so young

You stole my smile and you stole my laugh

The girl I was, you tore her apart


With your cruel words and your violent deeds

Your only thought – to fulfill your needs

You took my trust and you took my care

You made me wish that I wasn’t there


Made me believe for so many years

That what you did was what I deserved

The words I’d carved deep into my skin,

They spoke the truth of who lay within


These words, I now see of who they speak

Of those so cold, disgusting and weak

You’re many faces and many names

But underneath you’re all the same


Cowards and bullies, men with no souls

To hurt and shame – your pathetic goals!

But with all the things you took away

You failed to see what it was you gave


My strength of spirit is thanks to you

My courage and resilience too

And now I can speak of what you’ve done

To you, I will make sure justice comes!




Picture credit – Strength by Colleen McMahon used under a Creative Commons licence.


Posted 13 January 2017

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