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The Girl Behind the Glass


One voice in your head says – “He said everything is OK”.

The other asks – “Why do I feel sick…?”

With 1 in 3 women across the world experiencing sexual assault, this piece explores the non-linear journey of sexual assault recovery. The piece also considers how society perceives these issues, and the effect that has on those who have experienced sexual assault.

A multi-talented female trio of two singer-actors and a cellist use live music, movement and drama to explore recovery and shame, moving through a journey of denial, rejection and acceptance.

Chloe Knibbs has produced The Girl Behind the Glass, and is supported by the PRS Foundation’s Women Make Music.

You can see the performance at the mac in Birmingham on Thursday 8th November. There’s a matinee and an evening performance and you can book tickets via the mac’s website



Posted 7 August 2018

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