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Three Girls and More

The BBC are tackling child sexual exploitation this week in their compelling and hard-hitting new drama ‘Three Girls.’  The series will  be shown on consecutive nights from Tuesday 16th May to Thursday 18th May from 9pm to 10pm on BBC1. The three part series is based on the true stories of over a thousand children who were victims/survivors of grooming, sexual exploitation and trafficking in Rochdale between 1997 and 2013. It is made with the involvement and cooperation of the victims/survivors and their families as they wanted other people to hear and understand their experiences. The girls found they were drawn and groomed into a world that they could not escape, despite pleas for help; they were also failed by authorities which were responsible for their protection.


Sadly, children like Ruby, Holly and Amber, the ‘Three Girls’ of the series title are still out there – often traumatised, alone, vulnerable, voiceless and confused. NSPCC figures suggest that 1 in 20 children in the UK have been sexually abused and 1 in 3 of these never tell anybody.


This must stop.  At RSVP our mission statement is ‘a world free from sexual abuse and violence.’  Last year we supported 5,330 children, young adults and adults of all genders and anticipate that this year the number of people needing our services will increase. Our vital services give hope and confidence so people can survive and thrive despite the distressing sexual trauma they have been through.


If you are a survivor of recent or non-recent sexual exploitation or sexual abuse please get in touch, you can find more about how our services can help you. We are here for you and we believe you –


Finally, if you have been moved by watching ‘Three Girls’ please consider supporting RSVP and our work, there are many ways you can help us, some of which won’t even cost you a penny. Find out more here:

Posted 16 May 2017

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