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We’re recruiting helpline volunteers

We’re having a recruitment frenzy! As well as some exciting new staff vacancies and a number of opportunities to support RSVP as a trustee we are seeking volunteers to support survivors on our telephone helpline.

The helpline is a vital service, providing compassionate and sensitive support to survivors. We ask that all volunteers commit to a regular shift each week for at least 6 months.   The helpline is open 7 days a week and is based in central Birmingham. You could make a real difference to the lives of survivors.

Full training will be provided and you’ll be supported by a our experienced and professional team.

Please download and read the following documents

Cover letter for helpline applicants

Training dates

Role Description Helpline Volunteer

Helpline application form

Please complete and return the application form to by 5pm Monday 31st July. If you have any questions about the role, please contact Katie Simpson on 0121 643 0301.



Posted 7 June 2017

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