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We’re recruiting Trustees

We support and inspire people affected by sexual violence and abuse live a future with hope and confidence. If you would like to use your skills and experience at Board level to support our work with survivors, we would love to hear from you.

There are a number of trustee vacancies open, including the important roles of Treasurer, Secretary and Vice Chair.

We are looking for women including those from BME backgrounds as these groups are under represented on our Board.  We want active and committed individuals to bolster the skills and experience of the Board, ensuring good governance, strategic planning and financial scrutiny.

Recruitment documents are below, including specific information for the Treasurer, Secretary and Vice Chair roles.

Completed applications forms should be returned by email by 5pm on Monday 31st July 2017. If you would like to discuss the roles advertised, please contact RSVP’s Chief Exec Lisa Thompson 0121 643 0301 option 3 /

Please download and read the following documents:

RSVP Trustee duties and responsibilites

RSVP trustee vacancies

Eligibility of Trusteeship

Nolan Principles (ethical standards for public life)

About RSVP

And please download, complete and return the following document:

Trustee Application and Monitoring Form


Posted 6 June 2017

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