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Posters – child abuse

Talking to children about sexual abuse can feel uncomfortable and adults will often rely on children telling us if they are being hurt.

The following 12 posters are trauma informed. They avoid labelling children, instead understanding their behaviour as communicating something important in the face of trauma. They view children’s responses as understandable reactions to the sexual abuse they’ve experienced.

The posters aim to inform and educate others about how children might react, feel and behave in response to sexual abuse.  They encourage adults to better spot abuse and ask difficult questions to facilitate safe exploration and disclosure of abuse. Far too much emphasis is put on children to find a way to understand what they’ve been through, put it into words and disclose, which can be impossible for them.

These posters were developed as part of the Transformation project, an initiative with RSVP, Birmingham Barnardos (including the Space and Amazon Projects), The Children’s Society and Forward Thinking Birmingham.

Click on the posters to enlarge and read our bold messages. Click on the link to download the posters as printable PDFs.

Downloadable postcard/poster about grooming and child abuse


Downloadable postcard/poster about grooming and child abuse

What happened to you?

Downloadable postcard/poster about grooming and child abuse

Behaviour is communication



Individuals not cases



Denials helps children cope


 I felt like a robot

 I didn’t fight back 

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