
We offer a wide range of services to both adult and child survivors and the people supporting you. View our RSVP leaflet and poster, and specific leaflet for male survivors below.
You can read more about each service by hovering your mouse over ‘Services’ in the menu above and clicking on the links in the drop down menu.
You can also click through to learn more about our compassionate support for male survivors and children and young people.
When you request our support services, we’ll ask you for contact details and other personal information. RSVP treat all information sensitively and keep all data confidential within the organisation. We adhere to strict data protection guidelines and prioritise confidentiality. When you meet your counsellor, ISVA or other support worker for the first time, they will show you our data protection guidelines and ask that you sign and agree to us holding information about you. We destroy adult client data after six years. we are currently reviewing when to destroy CYP data. If you have any questions at all about how RSVP uses your data, please get in touch.
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