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Arts With Hearts

Arts With Hearts is a survivor led social group, where crafts are made to sell, which benefit other survivors through the fundraising for our services.

Photo of craft stall including jewellery and knitted toys

The group meets every Friday to get creative and socialise with other survivors. Crafts created are sold at various markets, fairs, shops and cafes around Birmingham.

On this page we will let you know where the group will be selling their crafts so you can pop along and see us.

Next craft stall will be at: to be confirmed

We’ll let you know when our next craft stall is open. In the meantime why not visit our new page, where we’re sharing what the group’s been creating while keeping safe. Just click on the image below.

Photo of paint reading 'Arts with Hearts - fighting back!'

Everything you purchase from Arts with Hearts raises funds for RSVP’s compassionate support services.

Get in touch if you are a survivor and what to find out more about being creative. No experience or expertise necessary – just come along, learn a new skill and have some fun along the way.

Follow Arts with Hearts on Twitter @ArtswithHearts

photo of table with crafts including bags, rings and photo frames

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I have learned new activities to try at home and the quietness when we all meet together on a Friday afternoon and are lost in making our own creations is very soothing.

— client comment