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Social groups

If you are looking for a different type of support, then why not join one of our free social groups? Our groups are informal and friendly; you can meet people, socialise and try out different fun activities in a safe environment.

Our groups meet once a month in Birmingham (usually in or near the city centre).

As a group member you’re not expected to share your experience of abuse, as the focus of the groups are friendship and socialising.

Our social groups this month and next are:

  • Chinese Women’s Group: Friday 7th March, 10:15-12:45pm – Thrive Garden Activity
  • Women’s Evening Group: Wednesday 12th March, 6:15-8:45pm – Chinese Meal Out
  • Connections (Female Asylum Seekers & Refugees): Friday 14th March, 10:15-12:45pm – City Walk & Coffee
  • Mixed Gender Group: Tuesday 18th March, 6:15-8:45pm – Discord Gaming (online)
  • Coffee Morning: Thursday 20th March, 10:15-12:45pm – Postcards to Future Self
  • Arts with Hearts: Friday 21st March, 10:15-12:45pm – Arts & Crafts
  • Young Women’s Group: Wednesday 26th March, 6:15-8:45pm – Virtual Reality Experience
  • Women’s Day Group: Friday 28th March, 10:15-12:45pm – Martineau garden visit out

    These groups are not therapy groups; instead they give you the opportunity to meet safely and engage with other survivors in a fun, relaxed and enjoyable way. Groups enjoy a range of activities like bowling, dancing, yoga, Tai Chi, mini golf, and cinema and museum trips.

    If you are unemployed, we may also be able to help with travel costs.

    Please get in touch with us for more details

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    ‘It was friendly, relaxing and calm – you get the chance to talk over some issues.’

    — client comment