Legal Clinic
Expert sexual abuse lawyers from Irwin Mitchell Solicitors have teamed up with RSVP to provide free legal advice for survivors we have supported in the past and those currently using our services too.
Irwin Mitchell are happy to offer free legal advice to survivors across a broad range of topics, including family law matters, Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority claims and civil claims. Civil claims could be made against an individual who has committed abuse, an organisation responsible for that person (usually an employer) or an organisation that should have taken steps to prevent abuse, but failed – such as social services.
An Irwin Mitchell solicitor provides free advice alongside emotional and practical support from a member of our advocacy team.
Rosanne Thorne, from Irwin Mitchell, says ‘I’m looking forward to working alongside RSVP and assisting survivors with any legal issues they may have. I appreciate it can be very difficult for survivors to make contact with lawyers and so I do hope that the legal clinic will feel like a safe environment for survivors to seek the legal advice they need’.
If you would like to access this service please contact the advocacy (ISVA) team on 0121 643 0301 option 2 or
You can also contact Irwin Mitchell Solicitors on 08000 23 22 33 or find them online at

Anthony Collins, who specialise in criminal injury compensation claims, have also teamed up with RSVP. Their team has years of experience, not only in submitting new applications but also in challenging claims where it is considered that the offer made is not sufficient. The initial conversation, including advising if you are eligible to claim, is provided free-of-charge. Anthony Collins will act on the basis that if your claim does not succeed, they will not charge you for fees.
Their team will guide you through the process in a sensitive and supportive way, keeping you informed at every stage. They are experienced in collecting information and evidence and have an established relationship with a reputable, independent medical expert. They will also advise if the compensation awarded is fair.
Anthony Collins also offer a wide range of other services and advice that may be helpful for survivors including family law matters, or civil claims either against the individuals responsible for the abuse or organisations who could potentially have taken steps to prevent the abuse.
If you would like to access this service, please contact the advocacy (ISVA) team on 0121 643 0301 (option 2) or
You can also contact Anthony Collins on 0121 2003242, find them online or contact Nicola Woods or Stacey Barnard for more information.