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Male Survivors

We offer a range of services for male survivors to support you in making the decisions and choices that are right for you.

Awarded the Independent Accreditation Programme ‘Quality Mark’ for achieving the Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence (find out more here).

Adult Advocacy, Child Advocacy and LGBT Advocacy

Independent sexual violence advocates (ISVA) provide advice and practical support to adults and children, for example, with reporting to the police, accessing health services, crisis support, or any other advocacy needs.


Specialist sexual abuse counselling to male survivors and their supporters.


Telephone helpline service offering support and information to male survivors.

Social Groups

We offer a Mixed Gender Social Group that enables male and female survivors to socialise safely and feel less isolated.

Coffee Mornings

Meet people and learn some useful coping strategies over a cup of coffee in our friendly and safe environment.


Written self-help information on how to overcome the effects of sexual violence and abuse. Our selection of self-help material includes a number of RSVP self-help resources for males such as information surrounding ‘Male Survivors of Rape & Sexual Assault,’ ‘Male Survivors of Rape and Sexual Assault: Myths & Misconceptions,’ ‘Male Survivors of Rape and Sexual Assault: FAQS.’

Additional self-help information and resources:

Support for Males Subjected to Sexual Violence and Abuse:

  • Survivors UK Offering information and support to men (18+) who have been sexually violated at any time in their lives and those who care for them.
  • Male Survivors Partnership A central reference point for services working with boys and men subjected to sexual violence and abuse.
  • We Are Survivors A survivor-led/survivor-run charitable organisation that aims to create and facilitate a safe space for male survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation to work through personal and sometimes painful issues.
  • The Survivors Trust Umbrella agency for specialist organisations providing sexual violence and abuse support.
  • GINA The sister organisation of RSVP, providing private counselling for individuals subjected to sexual violence and abuse.
  • Safeline For adults and children: offers online and telephone counselling to male survivors nationally and has a men’s support line.
  • Horizon SARC Supporting the victims of rape or serious sexual assault.
  • Black Country Women’s Aid Supporting survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence in the West Midlands. Their service for males is called Ask Marc.
  • Survivors in Transition Supporting men and women who have been subjected to sexual abuse in childhood.
  • Blue Sky Centre Supporting the victims of rape or serious sexual assault.
  • Savana Providing support for anyone who has experienced or is affected by any form of sexual violence including rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, ‘honour’ related violence and childhood sexual abuse.
  • Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre addressing the trauma and injustice of sexual violence and abuse through the provision of specialist services and to promote the needs and voices of victims and survivors through training and awareness raising.
  • West Mercia Rape & sexual Abuse Support Centre free, confidential and non-judgemental support service for survivors who have experienced rape, assault, incest, sexual abuse, sexual harassment or any form of sexual attack, whether physical, verbal or emotional.
  • ROSA Support for anyone who has experienced the trauma of rape, sexual abuse or sexual violence.
  • 1in6 Support for males who have been subjected to sexual abuse & assault.
  • Living Well App Wellbeing support for men subjected to sexual abuse in childhood – please note, this is an Australian app.
  • Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid services are for women only. However they have a referral pathway with Birmingham LGBT for males living in Solihull who have been subjected to domestic violence and abuse. This pathway ensures that any man living in Solihull, regardless of sexuality, can be supported by Birmingham LGBT, after domestic violence and abuse.

LGBT Community

  • Birmingham LGBT (advocating for and supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities in Birmingham and beyond). They also have specialist counselling and advocacy support for members of the LGBT+ community who have been subjected to abuse.
  • Galop (specialist LGBT+ anti-violence charity).

Alcohol & Drug Support: Change Grow Live (Helping with challenges including drugs and alcohol, housing, justice, health and wellbeing).

Rehab 4 Addiction (An advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction).

Homelessness Support: Shelter (National housing and homelessness charity providing support).

For a Directory of Services offering support for males subjected to sexual violence and abuse organised according to region, please click here (Male Survivors Partnership).

National Male Survivor Helpline: 0808 800 5005 The opening hours are: Monday (9am-5pm) Tuesday (8am-8pm) Wednesday (9am-5pm) Thursday (8am-8pm) Friday (9am-5pm)


We are currently in the process of reviewing feedback and outcomes from male clients to whom we offer/have offered support services. If you wish to access this information, please click below.

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us. If you wish to provide us with feedback, please click here. If you wish to contribute further and are happy to be contacted to take part in our review process and client focus groups, please register your interest with us via 

RSVP is also an information and signposting resource, neither RSVP nor its affiliated staff or volunteers take responsibility for any information that is out of date or inaccurate. Some of the content on this webpage may contain triggers and we suggest that it is used with due care.

When you access services, we’ll ask you for contact details and other personal information. RSVP treat all information sensitively and keep all data confidential within the organisation. We adhere to strict data protection guidelines and prioritise confidentiality. When you meet your counsellor, ISVA or other support worker for the first time, they will show you our data protection guidelines and ask that you to sign and agree to us holding information about you. We destroy paper documents after six years. If you have any questions at all about how RSVP use your data, please get in touch.

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"The tools my counsellor gave me has helped to shape my future. I will never forget the work RSVP did to get me back on my feet"

— client comment