Purple Flowers.
Purple is the color for survivors and for campaigns to increase awareness about sexual violence and abuse.
With its origins tied to royalty, purple flowers symbolise dignity, pride and success, and represent accomplishment and admiration. These themes beautifully describe Chloe’s journey from fear and loss to victory and celebration after sexual trauma.
Purple Flowers
By Chloe.
Purple flowers,
Stand to the hours
Of the “No”s
And the fear.
Purple flowers
Acknowledge the loss,
From the unexpected
Battle of nightmares.
Purple flowers
Speak in colour,
Out of the silence
In monochrome.
They do not apologise
For falling
Where no place to fall
Should have been.
Purple flowers
Rise in celebration
Of my victory
Within this story.
They lay unashamed
Of vulnerability,
With both ability
To break
And to heal.
Purple flowers speak
Of the scars that remain,
And the path that has led
To the person I became.
Purple flowers
Stand to the day,
When I realised
This was not the end.